Fellowship Program

The SSADH Association is also interested in funding Young Investigators.

The goal of our young investigator program is to help researchers launch careers in SSADH or neurotransmitter research and gather pilot data to apply for larger federal and/or university grant.

Applicants must have an on-site mentor or senior collaborator who is an established investigator in areas relevant to SSADH or neurotransmitter disorders.

The Association allows considerable flexibility in the use of funds: equipment, stipends, etc., are all acceptable as long as the support is in the service of the SSADH Young Investigator Grant research project.

Only one principal investigator is allowed per application.

For interested parties, please submit a Letter of Intent (200-300 words) including:

  1. Objective
  2. Hypothesis or hypotheses to be tested
  3. Research Institution or Facility
  4. One page letter of support from a mentor
  5. Approximate amount of funding requested
  6. Approximate timeline for research project

    Letters of Intent should be submitted to:

SSADH Association
PO Box 180622
Delafield, WI  53018

Questions can be directed to:

Carolyn Hoffman
Phone: 414-587-8828
e-mail: choffmanwi@aol.com

Letters of Intent will be reviewed by the Medical & Scientific Advisory Committee.