Wave of Hope

The Le Vine family held a Wave of Hope – SSADH Fall Harvest Beach fundraiser on Sunday, October 17 from 1 – 5 pm at the Columns Restaurant in Avon overlooking the ocean. The popular band Spare Parts is played and there was a gift auction as well. The even was a huge hit and the Le Vine Family was able to raise $20,000 in support of the important work being done by the SSADH Association to help kids and their families struggling with SSADH Deficiency. 

Amber and Haley during 24 hour EEG Recordings at Boston Children’s Hospital

Amber and Haley Le Vine are two young women diagnosed with SSADH (Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency).  It took seven years and five major hospitals and a final visit to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD, in 1996 to identify that they had this rare disorder.

Thanks to the Le Vine family and friends for the event a smashing success!